Abuse Policy

We have a zero tolerance policy for abuse. We monitor the use of our systems and services to identify and halt any unauthorized use. We also work with all appropriate internet security organizations to investigate and respond accordingly. Please contact our abuse department to report any issues regarding abuse. Your message will be evaluated for merit and acted on where appropriate, and therefore, we reserve the right to use your notice to substantiate the abuse to our customer. Please be assured that we take abuse very seriously and investigate every incident that is reported..

Abuse of a registered domain name includes, but is not limited to, the following:


Malware, which is short for malicious software, is any software used to disrupt normal computer operation, that gathers sensitive information, or which may gain access to secure systems. Malware is the general termed used to describe all hostile and intrusive forms of software. Types of Malware include: computer viruses, ransomware, worms, trojan horses, rootkits, keyloggers, dialers, spyware, adware, malicious BHOs (Browser Helper Objects), rogue security software, and any other type of malicious program. In all countries creation or distribution of Malware (also legally known as a computer contaminant) is considered a serious criminal offence.


The act of attempting to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and sometimes, indirectly, money) by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.


Irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over the Internet, typically to large numbers of users, for the purposes of advertising, phishing, spreading malware, etc.

We have taken measures to prevent the abuse of our registration engine, web hosting, and DNS services at a transactions point of origin in an effort to contribute our part to the elimination of spam. If you receive a message appearing to be from a domain registered through our company please take a moment to report the issue so we can investigate. When reporting spam, we would require a copy of the spam message including the message header.


Pharming refers to redirection of unknowing users to fraudulent sites or services, typically through DNS hijacking or poisoning. In other words, pharming is intended to redirect a website's traffic to another fraudulent sites. It can either be accomplished by changing the hosts file on victim's computer or by exploitation of a vulnerability in DNS server software.

Use of Botnets

A botnet is a collection of Internet-connected programs communicating with other similar programs in order to perform tasks. Botnets can be used to send spam email or participate in distributed denial-of-service attacks as well as other malicious activities.

Intellectual Property Rights

Internic.ca takes Intellectual Property rights seriously. If there is a domain with which you have concerns there are a number of options available. The first option would be to contact the registrant for the domain and attempt to resolve any conflict directly. Contact information for the domain owner can be viewed in the Whois tool.

If communications with the registrant is unable to resolve the conflict you can file an official dispute on the domain. The process can vary by TLD (Top Level Domain, eg. COM), so please contact our customer service team and we can assist you with the process.

How to Report Abuse

Please contact us at abuse@internic.ca or at 1-888-698-8850. Please ensure you include as much information as you can to assist our investigations.

All complaints will be investigated within 24 hours of receipt and we may follow up to obtain additional information. Please note that unless we need additional information, you will not receive a reply or update from us.